All in About Me

What is CBD?

I wanted to write a little something on CBD, or cannabidoil. Let me just say, I am no expert on this stuff. CBD is relatively new, and quickly gaining popularity. Because CBD is harvested from the Cannabis sativa plant, there is some controversy around it. CBD derived from hemp plants is legal in all 50 states, and contains no tetrahydrocannabinol or THC…

Why are Diets so Popular if they Don't Work?!

I gave a talk about Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size recently and I must say that this was my favorite question. “Why do people diet, if dieting doesn’t work?” Ahhh. I said I could go on and on about this! Hence this blog post. 

First things first--society believes that thinness equates to good health…

Ramblings of a lil entrepreneurial shrimp

Do you ever feel small? Even smaller than being the small fish in a big pond; like being one little shrimp in the entire ocean. I find myself feeling so tiny every day when I open Instagram. I didn’t used to give two shits about my followers, engagement, cohesiveness of my profile, or my “brand.”